The purpose of the Umpqua Valley Quilters’ Guild (UVQG) is to promote the joy of quilting as a creative expression and an art form.
A Non-Profit Organization
Guild meetings are held to provide members with the history of quilt making, explore new quilting techniques, share quilting experiences and learn ways to serve our community through the art and joy of quilting. The Umpqua Valley Quilters’ Guild is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit. The members elect leaders who plan and facilitate the activities of the guild.
UVQG members donate many quilts each year to a dozen organizations in our community and beyond. We also teach summer classes to youth through the Umpqua Valley Arts Center.
The UVQG was established in 1982. The UVQG has an evening and a day business meeting monthly. The third Wednesday of the month is a Sew Day allowing members to work on donation quilts, personal projects, learn new techniques, as well as give and receive assistance with various projects. Check out the calendar for more details.