2025 Quilt Show - Grants and Sponsor
The Umpqua Valley Quilters’ Guild (UVQG) would like to thank our many sponsors.
It is with the support of our sponsors that our Annual Quilt Show has grown to be the largest judged quilt show in Southern Oregon.
Your sponsorship demonstrates your support of UVQG’s developing, educating, enhancing and enriching all levels of quilters.
Platinum Level Sponsorship
Country Lady Quilt Shop - Richard Weckerle
Caryn Lee & Alex Kollitz
Gold Level Sponsorship
Sponsorship Pending
Visit Website
Silver Level Sponsorship
Abby’s Pizza
Visit Website -
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
Visit Website -
Evergreen Family Medicine
Visit Website -
Neuner Davidson & Co.
Visit Website -
Sue and Ron Propp
Shirley and Clyde Pyle
Quarrter Moon Ranch
Facebook Page -
Roseburg Family Dental Center
Visit Website -
Myrt and Ron Thames
Wildlife Safari
Visit Website
Bronze Level Sponsorship
Addcox Heating Center
Sponsorship Pending
Edge to Edge Quilting (Renee Hyland)
Connie and Rich Hector
Tammie Hunt
Joanne and Keith Longie
Patti and Jerry Rude
The UPS Store
Sponsorship Pending
Umpqua River Investment Team, Financial Advisors with D.A. Davidson & Co.
West Harvard Furniture
Sponsorship Pending
Friends and In-Kind Sponsorships
Caryn Lee (raffle basket)
Cindy Rich (raffle basket)
Connie Hector (raffle basket)
Donna Legat (raffle basket)
Gilaine Wright (raffle basket)
JaNene Ruley (raffle basket)
Jenny Kluver (raffle basket)
Jilene Whitney (raffle basket)
June Kuitert (raffle basket)
Karla Iaeger (raffle basket)
Kathleen Bowman (raffle basket)
Kathy Hopkins (raffle basket)
Kelly Ragsdale (raffle basket)
Laura Michael (raffle basket)
Leta Frank (raffle basket)
Linda Witbeck (raffle basket)
Lisa Ball (raffle basket)
Marcia Kimball (raffle basket)
Nancy Anderson (raffle basket)
McClendon's Meat Market (raffle basket)
MiaTree Oquilo (raffle basket)
Nancy Hopkins (raffle basket)
Nancy Murphy (raffle basket)
Nanette Campeau (raffle basket)
Pam Shoemaker (raffle basket)
Phyllis Slack (raffle basket)
Roseburg Lions (raffle basket)
Sharon Sauser (raffle basket)
Shirley Pyle (raffle basket)
Sue Muckey (raffle basket)
Tammie Hunt (raffle basket)